here we can think about Jesus. what He's already done. what He is doing. what He's about to do. what He's capable of doing.



for the 2 people that actually read this: i have a new site. currently it's


time away.

it's been far too long - too much has gone by. so much has been taught and learned. i am so appreciative for what's been happening in and around me. Jesus is very faithful. He's moving me, teaching me, focusing me to things that matter. I have ben writing much more lately. I will try to update this thing. Not so much for you - but to put my thoughts into action. I love writing. I don't do it enough - I'm not good at it. But what they hey, it gets my mind working - in which a good friend of mine says will cause you to live longer [is writing the same thing as sadoku?] anyway. thanks.

james 1.17:18