here we can think about Jesus. what He's already done. what He is doing. what He's about to do. what He's capable of doing.


it's been started . . . before we started it

well it turns out that we left for northern ireland today. it was a chaotic and beautiful - in a somewhat terrifying way. you see - all was well on what seemed to be a lovely thursday morning. out team arrived at the airport in good spirit and in health (ben, being the exception: God rest his soul) and we're ready to do this. it was to be an easy day of travel: fly to chicago have a 5 hour lay-over and jet over - rested and at peace.

well . . .

things obviously took a turn. we had a few options. it seemed that our flight had been cancelled and the sawyer's and their power were trying to get us on some sort of an air-craft. they did. a cincinnati plane was leaving in two and half hours going to JFK airport - then onto dublin. that was the plane. so immediately drivers were summoned... and me - being one of the better drivers in the city, thought it was only appropriate to volunteer for said task.

push came to shove and luggage was thrown this way and that.

there we were - amy duncan, chrissy, and i: a killer squad running our tails to cincy. everything was good - good time, good conversation, good weather, good music, good speed, good fun - you get the picture. then . . . as they say - 'all hell broke loose.'

for those who are unfamiliar with me and my life, i used to live in the cincinnati area and would make several trip a week to the lex-vegas. well today i had screwed up. i was going to freaking louisville. i don't know why. i don't know how. goodness - i don't know who was driving this crazy direction - oh wait - me. sorry.


after 4 chicken planks, a large diet, a medium milkshake, a fry, and the city of frankfort - we turned around. talking to pappa sawyer - i had enormous reservations that any hope was still with us. we were at this point roughly 35 miles behind the last car. 'not good' - as some would say. but you see . . . God is faithful. and sometimes God has to work with a pontiac vibe hitting 90-95 mph to get to the airport a mere 30 minutes before out plane took off. chrissy had fallen - saying there is no way we're getting on the plane:'ye of little faith.' she felt the need to call the airport. i know, i know, i know. trust me - i know. poor little amy duncan who had never been on a plane . . . she held her composure but i had the gut that she was near explosion.

so after running, sweating, and waiting for a ridiculous amount of time in security - we boarded our plane about 10 minutes after we were suppose to be in the air. the middle eastern man that i was sitting next to was very forgiving - though i could hardly understand a word he said. something about semi-trucks . . . ? right?

all this to say that it was a chaotic and beautiful day - in a somewhat terrifying sense.

God is really funny. we get caught up in these things: travel - time - stress - etc - and forget what we're doing. it's not a question that there was much spiritual conflict. after all - how convenient for these demoniac forces that our plane just so happened to be canceled - that we just seemed to go the wrong way - the only thing that was natural today was stress for a lot of people. i'm glad we're all here though. again i'll say: God is faithful. the Resurrection is alive. the Spirit is moving. our Jesus pulled us through today. He knows that we couldn't have done it on our own - with sane minds at least.

currently it's 3 in the morning eastern standard time (God's time mind you) and in dublin it's 8 in the morning. sarah hopkins gave some great drugs that knocked a lot of good people out and got them some rest. i woke up around 7 or so irish time. sounds good to me.

pray for us. support us.

pray for ben gross - who has some infections that he's working through and hopefully coming the second week now; pray for unity among our team - a lot of people still don't know each other. pray that God would brake down walls of comfortable friends and clicks and we could all walk together in one Spirit, one baptism, and one Jesus. pray for travis - for smiles - for joy - and that the love of Christ controls us. that we no longer live for ourselves - but for Him who took all our insecurities and quirks and short-comings and made them great. we have nothing in our hands - nothing that we can offer our Lord. but still He sends us. thanks for that Jesus. finally give thanks for what Jesus has done with our team today. He has started this trip before we did. we started today - but He's already started today a few days ago - make sense? He's working. we just got going - but He's been going.

as for you. we pray for you: our families and friends lives back home. we love you. do something useful today. when in doubt - read 2 corinthians 3 and 4. it's a great little place to stick your nose in. thanks for all you do - you will hear from us again soon. check out for more blogs.

in prayers and humility - brad.

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