here we can think about Jesus. what He's already done. what He is doing. what He's about to do. what He's capable of doing.



today. i get excited about new, little things. like this for instance. currently - as i am sitting in my room, listening to elkland - i am excited. looking through a small crack in my blinds you wouldn't see it. you'd see baggy eyes, a quiet mouth, and messed up hair and glasses. that's the funny and incredible thing about Jesus. normally, i would be completely useless. a waste for the night. bitter. depressed. dirty. you get the idea. the Saviour has taught me much today. including a lack of time spent in the Word, He still manages to get through to my insignificantly busy brain. my heart always seems to find satisfaction in the Father. when His grace and truth are on my lips - and mind. . . i like to imagine Him smiling. not to grant me anything - but to marvel at His own work. i like living the entirety of my life to to make one Jesus happy and glorified. i don't live and do it everything to receive anything for myself. to live so that One can receive more recognition. One much more than important than i.

pray for a middle schooler named sarah. and pray for my patience - my ear tends to be stupidly selfish and immature.

i love you.

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