here we can think about Jesus. what He's already done. what He is doing. what He's about to do. what He's capable of doing.


good morning.

i'm at school.

i'm listening to a preacher from a church in town and it's alright - he's a little cheesy - doesn't use Scripture much - actually at all. school has been great. this guy aside i've learned tons - being challenged with things and getting to know just a ton of people.

i miss people. it's hard to go from seeing a lot of people on a day to day basis to not seeing them or hardly talking to them. i miss chrissy. i haven't gotten to talk to her much at all this week. a conversation here - a text message there. it's actually quite miserable. she's great - she's been sending me a big long e-mail everyday telling me about her day and encouraging me. i can't tell you how much it makes me smile. i feel bad because every time i end up talking to her i'm dead tired. we're going from 6:30-9 everyday so it gets kind of rough. just mental over load really. but chrissy is my best friend. i love talking to her - listening to her - and doing nothing with her. she's my favorite. i love my girlfriend very much. she's lovely. the best heart i know.

friends are a must - i feel weird not seeing roommate - my calendar says that i was suppose to meet with trevor at 7:30 this morning - today we were suppose to go down to bluegrass and set up the retreat - you get the picture. i miss home - but this is good.

well enough from me - i'll leave you with something i just read:

do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you be name; you are Mine! when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. when you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. for I am the Lord you God, the Holy One of israel, your Savior;

very cool. very humbling. Jesus is faithful and He cares for you: so take Him and allow Him to change you.

thanks for reading and/or listening. see you soon.


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