here we can think about Jesus. what He's already done. what He is doing. what He's about to do. what He's capable of doing.


my friend jerome.

so i'm here at a convention in cincinnati: it's the north american missionaries thing. as i was walking to startbucks this morning i met a man named jerome. jerome asked me if i was a christian, loved the Lord, etc. and then began to tell me his story. we walked to starbucks together and had some orange juice and cream danishs. very romantic i know. the doubt side of me says that he's not homeless, he has eaten in a few days, and if he hadn't then he probably would have got more than an orange juice and a danish. i tend to think things like this. but again. what does Christ call of us? to take care of the poor. jerome didn't leave with out a weeks worth of a starbuck gift-card and the Gospel. i hope i pleased God and served a need within the Kindgom. i don't think it's important whether or not he'll use the gift card or sell it - but what i feel God is pleased with is the heart. walking up i saw a lot of people blow him off. not at all patting myself on the back, but you better freaking recognize people when the talk to you. jerome changed my morning. don't be an arrogant pharisee and pass up opportunities to talk to people and care about them. you're life isn't more important than theirs. 

my heart for the poor is growing exceedingly bigger by the day. i love being in the city, seeing big buildings and crumbling lives (appropriate form of love there). it's only a sign to say help. dan, trevor and i have been talking a few idea that we'd like to get into. serving the city and the people. changing things. actually going and not theorizing. pray for it.

it's being fun here. i'm going to read now. bye bye. 

pray for jerome, he's putting in two job applications tomorrow.

and finally to paraphrase Jesus:

*[ . . . take courage; it is I, do not be afraid any longer, only believe . . . ]

1 comment:

Peter said...

As a mentor has told me, "As a Christian, if you haven't been taken advantage of lately, shame on you."

Keep up the good work.