here we can think about Jesus. what He's already done. what He is doing. what He's about to do. what He's capable of doing.



for the 2 people that actually read this: i have a new site. currently it's


time away.

it's been far too long - too much has gone by. so much has been taught and learned. i am so appreciative for what's been happening in and around me. Jesus is very faithful. He's moving me, teaching me, focusing me to things that matter. I have ben writing much more lately. I will try to update this thing. Not so much for you - but to put my thoughts into action. I love writing. I don't do it enough - I'm not good at it. But what they hey, it gets my mind working - in which a good friend of mine says will cause you to live longer [is writing the same thing as sadoku?] anyway. thanks.

james 1.17:18


my friend jerome.

so i'm here at a convention in cincinnati: it's the north american missionaries thing. as i was walking to startbucks this morning i met a man named jerome. jerome asked me if i was a christian, loved the Lord, etc. and then began to tell me his story. we walked to starbucks together and had some orange juice and cream danishs. very romantic i know. the doubt side of me says that he's not homeless, he has eaten in a few days, and if he hadn't then he probably would have got more than an orange juice and a danish. i tend to think things like this. but again. what does Christ call of us? to take care of the poor. jerome didn't leave with out a weeks worth of a starbuck gift-card and the Gospel. i hope i pleased God and served a need within the Kindgom. i don't think it's important whether or not he'll use the gift card or sell it - but what i feel God is pleased with is the heart. walking up i saw a lot of people blow him off. not at all patting myself on the back, but you better freaking recognize people when the talk to you. jerome changed my morning. don't be an arrogant pharisee and pass up opportunities to talk to people and care about them. you're life isn't more important than theirs. 

my heart for the poor is growing exceedingly bigger by the day. i love being in the city, seeing big buildings and crumbling lives (appropriate form of love there). it's only a sign to say help. dan, trevor and i have been talking a few idea that we'd like to get into. serving the city and the people. changing things. actually going and not theorizing. pray for it.

it's being fun here. i'm going to read now. bye bye. 

pray for jerome, he's putting in two job applications tomorrow.

and finally to paraphrase Jesus:

*[ . . . take courage; it is I, do not be afraid any longer, only believe . . . ]


the scary things.

well good day. school is done. i'm mentally exhausted and physically dead - not due to any activity, more or less the lack of that is now leading to my demise. i've sat in a chair for 13 hours every day for the past 6 days: i walk up stairs and my heart is telling me that all about the lack of care i've given him. it's a love hate relationship we have; somehow i still get the love that i don't deserve - after all, i don't treat my heart too well. maybe i should? we'll see.

so a weird subject. spiritual warfare. one of the most intriguing topics of my mind. we had a speaker, greg nettle this past week come in and discuss such topics. it's weird. it's scary. it's amazing. it's saddening. the amount of people who pay no attention to it worries me. and i'm one of the people that i'm worried about. it's so real. it's this strange dimension that we can't necessarily explain or define but we know it's there. we can sense it; we feel it; but somehow we still come to ignore it. it's a worrisome item that christians don't give a look into this world. greg nettle talked about the christmas story. not your typical luke 1 and 2 story - but one a bit more intense from revelation 12. it's pretty amazing. here it is:

a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was with the child; and she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth.
- of course, we see this to be mary.

then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. and his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. and the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give brith, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.

and she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne. then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God, so that there should be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. [about 3.5 years]

and there was a war in heaven, michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. the dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. and the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
-skipping down a bit

and when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. [skipping a bit more - God saved the woman, etc.] so the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. and the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore.

well this sounds awfully nice and all but man - does anyone else get taken back by this? this isn't the cute, naive nativity set as we often depicted it as. this is war. the part that gets me the most is this here:

so the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

do we get what this means? this means that the dragon - aka. satan - has waged war against us. trying to devour us, kill us, lead us away from the testimony of Jesus. and if you don't buy into this warfare than get real. open your eyes - allow Jesus to open your eyes. goodness, your life is being fought for.

so those of us that don't necessarily feel valued. or loved. or cherished. or worth it. know that the God of heaven is battling for your life. and in that truth is the only definition of any of these words.

i've been done with school for 2.5 hours or so. i've learned a handful of things that will help advance the Kingdom of Jesus - and i've felt the attacks and unfortunately i have fallen in the battle. us children of God who are changing lives for the sake of the Gospel have an enormous targets on our backs. a target for the enemy to strike. so go out and make your targets bigger by advancing Jesus' name here on earth. read in ephesians 6 about how to protect yourself against such forces. read in 2 kings 6 to see how God sends His army to fight for you.

we aren't fighting men here. we're fighting things much bigger and stronger than anything we can imagine. cling to Jesus' love. the love that surpasses all knowledge.

let all you do be done in love - 1 corinthians 16.14

Christ has won. so go to Him and let Him fight for you. He is willing. He is good.



good morning.

i'm at school.

i'm listening to a preacher from a church in town and it's alright - he's a little cheesy - doesn't use Scripture much - actually at all. school has been great. this guy aside i've learned tons - being challenged with things and getting to know just a ton of people.

i miss people. it's hard to go from seeing a lot of people on a day to day basis to not seeing them or hardly talking to them. i miss chrissy. i haven't gotten to talk to her much at all this week. a conversation here - a text message there. it's actually quite miserable. she's great - she's been sending me a big long e-mail everyday telling me about her day and encouraging me. i can't tell you how much it makes me smile. i feel bad because every time i end up talking to her i'm dead tired. we're going from 6:30-9 everyday so it gets kind of rough. just mental over load really. but chrissy is my best friend. i love talking to her - listening to her - and doing nothing with her. she's my favorite. i love my girlfriend very much. she's lovely. the best heart i know.

friends are a must - i feel weird not seeing roommate - my calendar says that i was suppose to meet with trevor at 7:30 this morning - today we were suppose to go down to bluegrass and set up the retreat - you get the picture. i miss home - but this is good.

well enough from me - i'll leave you with something i just read:

do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you be name; you are Mine! when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. when you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. for I am the Lord you God, the Holy One of israel, your Savior;

very cool. very humbling. Jesus is faithful and He cares for you: so take Him and allow Him to change you.

thanks for reading and/or listening. see you soon.



the man's hours.

well. here i am in louisville, kentucky at school. not ul - but another ministry study thing that i'm doing. no doubt that i love the crap out of it. however, i'm sitting here with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. does anybody know what this means? there's a few people around, not a noteworthy amount - but maybe that was a note. i've been starring at a screen that is scrolling through the same announcement slides over and over again - and i'm still watching. i'm just here. sitting. doing nothing really.

moving on, at this here school i've gotten to hear from some incredible people. a lot of wisdom has been given and hopefully my brain is advanced enough to take it all in. i'm mostly surrounded by dudes that are nearly 35-45 year old and 33-43 year old chicks - that's a fair median. these are basically my friends for the week. yip-ee right? right. thus far something has stuck in my mind more than anything. it's the phrase: prayer is doing something. simple. to the point. common sense really. but do i act like it? no. thinking back on it - i feel the greatest sense of accomplishment after a good time in prayer, but i don't do it enough. why is that do you think? discipline? lack of sense? everything probably plays into it. but what if we were to view prayer as the only source of doing something? what if doing something only meant prayer. for those of us that know the truth and actually care about matter - this would make the world of difference. as opposed to view our productivity based on people we see, things that get checked off, etc it would rock our entire day. and i'm not saying completely neglect people or anything but think about it. would we feel near as productive? just saying.

i'll leave, but with this: be on alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. let all you do be done in love.

another simple statement what we could never begin to master. but it's all worth a life time of attempts.

grace and peace from Jesus only. He's the reason for everything. and if you don't know or believe - ask me about it. He's the only thing that makes sense.



well - here we go again. i often get under the impression that if there's not a huge thing going on in my life then why share nothing, ya know? however, as my good friend once said, just open up Scripture and you can't go wrong.. so here's a thought from a Book.

prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

it's a small thing to say. so wrestle around with it and i will too. maybe i'll have a post in the near future. but who can say for sure.

thank you for your life.


. . .

hi there. we're heading to church. it's been a crazy week. i'll write about it tonight. just wanted to say that we love you. and it's awesome here.




tonight was really cool. well - today was really cool. everything.

the day started with much discussion among a few of the guys and i. we met for coffee this morning and ran through a lot of things. nothing better than feeling a bit prepared, i guess. but it was good. following the morning we passed out some information regarding our programs. it was very cool. the group i was with was travis, erin, and chrissy. to be honest - i've known chrissy for about 10 months or so . . . and i never knew she was this outgoing. it was really incredible and seemed to be easy for her to get out and talk to families and the wee kids. cute - right. anywho - dinner was a bbq. and yes - delicious. hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, coke, squash, the works. however, i did find it odd that there was not even a bottle of barbecue sauce at the bbq. strange.

what is really awesome is Jesus. awesome = deserving and worthy of awe. truly. tonight after our little group time, i walked outside and pulled up a chair off in the property and sat for a good part of 45 minutes. it was a very, very clear night. a typical cloud here or there, but for the most part - a great night. the moon was stilling rising over the silhouette of trees: i decided i would stay till it rose above the trees. i swatted bugs for a minute or two. i prayed for a bit. i was silent a good amount. just listening. trying to seek out and find the Spirit's silent whisper. it was absolutely beautiful. i couldn't have asked for a more calming and more humbling time with our Jesus.

just as i was spacing off into some thought, i noticed an enormous cloud that was notably dark; it was coming over the scene very quickly - then more clouds from the left, then the right. it seemed that my picture was dwindling due to the clouds. no good. i prayed and asked God that i would be able to see the moon. that was it. a simple request. and wouldn't you know it: the Spirit put something in my mouth that i started to verbally speak. it's ezekial 37.1-10. it says this:

the hand of the Lord was upon me, and He brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; and it was full of bones. He caused me to pass among them round about, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley; and lo, they were very dry. He said to me, "son of man, can these bones live?'' and i answered, ''o Lord God, You know.'' again He said to me, ''prophesy over these bones and say to them 'o dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.' thus says the Lord God to these bones, 'behold I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life. I will put sinews on you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you skin and put breath in you that you may come alive; and you will know that I am the Lord.' "

so i prophesied as i was commanded; and as i prophesied, there was a noise, and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its bone. and i looked, and behold, sinews were on them, and flesh grew and skin covered them; but there was no breath in them. then He said to me, ''prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say the breath, 'come from the 4 winds, o breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life.' " so i prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they came to life, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly huge army.

as i got to the end of that i still couldn't see the moon. twas still behind said trees. i said the end of this Scripture again: the breath came into them, and they came to life, and stood upon their feet, a huge army. as i ended that i was lead to stand from my chair. moonlight. so pure, so clean, so unadulterated. beauty. glimmer. perfection. i couldn't believe what i saw. i stood up to see that the bottom of the moon had just cleared the top of the trees and the top of the moon was about to be covered by the clouds. the luminance was directing it's focus to my eyes it seemed; simply amazing - i was so taken back . . . you could write it off as happy chance - but to tell you the truth: you're wrong. the truth is there is a Jesus so intricate, so about detail, so invested in our lives that He cares about things like this. not to impress us. not to give us cool stories - but to reveal once again that He is right there. there = controlling the entire cosmos, right in the chair right next, and inside my thoughts all at once. it's crazy.

the Spirit has come. He was breathed upon my dry bones. He caused the breath of life to enter and He perfectly controlled tonight. end of story. Jesus. this Jesus. our Jesus is a huge God. a God there are no words for.

so into us.

makes me smile...

He is breathing on us over here in northern ireland. He's bringing His church up. He's creating our unity. you know: i couldn't be in a better mood than right now. i'm dead tired and so alive. it's Jesus.

and by that name all things - even us - are held together.

thank You for moonlight. have a good night.


it's been started . . . before we started it

well it turns out that we left for northern ireland today. it was a chaotic and beautiful - in a somewhat terrifying way. you see - all was well on what seemed to be a lovely thursday morning. out team arrived at the airport in good spirit and in health (ben, being the exception: God rest his soul) and we're ready to do this. it was to be an easy day of travel: fly to chicago have a 5 hour lay-over and jet over - rested and at peace.

well . . .

things obviously took a turn. we had a few options. it seemed that our flight had been cancelled and the sawyer's and their power were trying to get us on some sort of an air-craft. they did. a cincinnati plane was leaving in two and half hours going to JFK airport - then onto dublin. that was the plane. so immediately drivers were summoned... and me - being one of the better drivers in the city, thought it was only appropriate to volunteer for said task.

push came to shove and luggage was thrown this way and that.

there we were - amy duncan, chrissy, and i: a killer squad running our tails to cincy. everything was good - good time, good conversation, good weather, good music, good speed, good fun - you get the picture. then . . . as they say - 'all hell broke loose.'

for those who are unfamiliar with me and my life, i used to live in the cincinnati area and would make several trip a week to the lex-vegas. well today i had screwed up. i was going to freaking louisville. i don't know why. i don't know how. goodness - i don't know who was driving this crazy direction - oh wait - me. sorry.


after 4 chicken planks, a large diet, a medium milkshake, a fry, and the city of frankfort - we turned around. talking to pappa sawyer - i had enormous reservations that any hope was still with us. we were at this point roughly 35 miles behind the last car. 'not good' - as some would say. but you see . . . God is faithful. and sometimes God has to work with a pontiac vibe hitting 90-95 mph to get to the airport a mere 30 minutes before out plane took off. chrissy had fallen - saying there is no way we're getting on the plane:'ye of little faith.' she felt the need to call the airport. i know, i know, i know. trust me - i know. poor little amy duncan who had never been on a plane . . . she held her composure but i had the gut that she was near explosion.

so after running, sweating, and waiting for a ridiculous amount of time in security - we boarded our plane about 10 minutes after we were suppose to be in the air. the middle eastern man that i was sitting next to was very forgiving - though i could hardly understand a word he said. something about semi-trucks . . . ? right?

all this to say that it was a chaotic and beautiful day - in a somewhat terrifying sense.

God is really funny. we get caught up in these things: travel - time - stress - etc - and forget what we're doing. it's not a question that there was much spiritual conflict. after all - how convenient for these demoniac forces that our plane just so happened to be canceled - that we just seemed to go the wrong way - the only thing that was natural today was stress for a lot of people. i'm glad we're all here though. again i'll say: God is faithful. the Resurrection is alive. the Spirit is moving. our Jesus pulled us through today. He knows that we couldn't have done it on our own - with sane minds at least.

currently it's 3 in the morning eastern standard time (God's time mind you) and in dublin it's 8 in the morning. sarah hopkins gave some great drugs that knocked a lot of good people out and got them some rest. i woke up around 7 or so irish time. sounds good to me.

pray for us. support us.

pray for ben gross - who has some infections that he's working through and hopefully coming the second week now; pray for unity among our team - a lot of people still don't know each other. pray that God would brake down walls of comfortable friends and clicks and we could all walk together in one Spirit, one baptism, and one Jesus. pray for travis - for smiles - for joy - and that the love of Christ controls us. that we no longer live for ourselves - but for Him who took all our insecurities and quirks and short-comings and made them great. we have nothing in our hands - nothing that we can offer our Lord. but still He sends us. thanks for that Jesus. finally give thanks for what Jesus has done with our team today. He has started this trip before we did. we started today - but He's already started today a few days ago - make sense? He's working. we just got going - but He's been going.

as for you. we pray for you: our families and friends lives back home. we love you. do something useful today. when in doubt - read 2 corinthians 3 and 4. it's a great little place to stick your nose in. thanks for all you do - you will hear from us again soon. check out for more blogs.

in prayers and humility - brad.